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Don’t Let Fear Ruin Your Love Life

We all have fears, some are obvious and easy to identify, but others can hide just below the surface of our awareness. Nothing will bring out our hidden fears faster than when we are in a relationship. When given the possibility of falling in love they can take over, and many times we don’t recognize [...]


How To Stop Settling For Less To Get More Love

Being single can be frustrating. It can make us feel lonely and sad as we watch our friends pair up and settle down. It might make us feel hopeless and wonder if it will ever be our turn. But that’s no reason to settle for a relationship that isn’t giving what you want or what [...]


3 Lies You Tell Yourself That Keep You Single

I don’t want you to feel like a crazy person but have you noticed how you’re always talking to yourself? Even now, while you read these words your mind is chatting to you as you read. If you’re thinking of yourself listening to yourself, it can be a little crazy making. Our self-talk is active [...]


I’m Embarrassed to Admit This…

Last week I set out to film a new video for my book “It’s Never Too Late To Marry.” My husband and I were going to set up at the back of the house around 7 AM before it got too hot — seeing how it’s summer in Phoenix. He was behind the camera helping [...]